
I.S.T. Newsletter Sep 2017

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I.S.T. Newsletter Sep 2017

Seville, Spain: An unusual construction site in an unusual location
In springlike weather in mid-February 2017, our customer DESABECO, a trained Spanish restoration company, performed a trenchless installation in Seville: 145 continuous meters of a DN 490 / 4.3 GRP tap water liner made by SAERTEX multiCom® GmbH.
The principal for this unusual project was the city of Seville. Not only the project, but also the arena was unusual: the construction project was a reference object in downtown Seville, right on the historic Plaza de España, Parque de María Luisa.
The SAERTEX-LINER® H2O was cured using the compact Power LIGHT UV unit. Before performing the first installation, the DESABECO team received extensive theoretical and practical training on this unit, and was supported on site by technicians from SAERTEX multiCom® GmbH and I.S.T. Innovative Sewer Technologies GmbH while installing and curing the GRP hose liner.
The new compact Power LIGHT UV unit had to be approved for use in the tap water field in advance – not a problem, since of course it had never been used for wastewater.
The construction-site preparation and complete installation of the SAERTEX-LINER® H2O took place in a single day.

The timing as well as the final results were outstanding, and all of the participants were very satisfied.

Successful tests of the Power LIGHT Triple Core performed at SAERTEX multiCom® GmbH in late August/early September 2017
I.S.T. GmbH’s Power LIGHT Triple Core, with an output of 9 x 2,000 watts, is the company’s premier UV light chain thanks to its enormous output and its suitability for pipes with large cross-sections. Its 18,000-watt overall output guarantees perfect curing even for liners with thick walls, and it can be used for liners ranging from DN 1200 to DN 2000.
The Triple Core light source significantly reduces the standard curing time. Thanks to the new booster technology with an overall output of 18,000 watts, it can be adapted for existing systems.
On August 29, as part of the tests performed in the early fall, a SAERTEX-LINER® (Premium) with a nominal width of DN 1500 and a wall thickness of 9 mm was cured at a rate of 70 cm/minute with very good results. This speed is expected to be even higher in practice.
The test used the Power LIGHT KT 300 cable drum; because of the relatively short length of the test section, the cable remained almost completely coiled on the reel, and there were no noteworthy temperature increases in the cable. Long-term tests lasting several hours, performed at our Customer Care Center in Bochum, had already demonstrated this in advance.
The new design proved to be very mechanically stable; the weight of the liner did not pose any problems for the Power LIGHT Triple Core.
On August 30, a SAERTEX-LINER® (Premium) with a nominal width of DN 1200 and a wall thickness of 10 mm was cured at a rate of 75 cm/minute, also with very good results. The surfaces of both GRP liners were perfect, and all of the participants were enthusiastic about the results.
For practical reasons, both tests used an output of 8 x 2,000 watts. If a 9 x 2,000-watt output is used, we can expect a 10 to 15% faster curing rate.
The final results of the above tests will be published shortly on I.S.T. GmbH’s website and Facebook page.
Based on the final results, we can determine the expected service life and speeds. Based on the findings so far, we can already tell they are going to set completely new standards that only recently seemed out of reach – a whole new league of UV technology.

7th Saerbeck pipeline symposium from SAERTEX multiCom® GmbH
The Saerbeck pipeline symposium was held for the seventh time on September 21/22. The symposium has seen very positive development over the years, with its many interesting specialized talks, exhibitors and live presentations, and has become a fixture in the industry.
As in past years, I.S.T. took part in the symposium as well, and was represented by an indoor booth in the hall as well as its nUVision UV technology in the outdoor area.
In lovely weather, I.S.T. presented a fully equipped vehicle that included the latest nUVision equipment and has everything it needs on board to cure UV light-reactive hose liners – for liner lengths up to 1,000 meters!
The evening event on the first day featured the usual relaxed, sociable atmosphere, and all of the participants had a lot of fun.
The event was a great success; we received numerous inquiries from potential customers about the special benefits and unique selling points of the highly innovative nUVision UV technology, and we had many promising conversations

Brandenburg Liner Day / In-House Exhibition 2017
Another event in late September took place at Brandenburger Liner GmbH & Co. KG in Landau in der Pfalz: Brandenburg Liner Day and the In-House Exhibition 2017, which also featured I.S.T. as a prominent participant.
Brandenburg Liner Day was held at the Altes Kaufhaus in Landau on September 21, providing information about products from the Brandenburg-based group of companies and specialized presentations about GRP liners and molded parts.
The interesting, wide-ranging program featured speakers from the company group in Brandenburg as well as speakers from various other companies, and was attended by a large number of interested guests.
The evening event was held on the factory premises, offering a lively exchange of ideas in a convivial setting.
On September 22, there was an in-house exhibition at the Brandenburg facility with multilingual plant tours. I.S.T. demonstrated three different light chains from the Power LIGHT range with different power ratings for different pipe diameters, along with the TOP HAT system for lateral connection repairs and the Power CUTTER 200 milling robot.
The event also produced many interesting conversations with visitors.

I.S.T. successfully participates in the 6th Water Expo in Miami, FL

The Water Expo was held in Miami for the 6th time on August 30 and 31; I.S.T. had a booth at the expo, and demonstrated the equipment along with our independently developed technologies for renovating pipelines.
The expo reaches large sales markets with significant object potential in the United States, but also in Latin America and the Caribbean – potentially around 40 countries.
As expected, most of the visitors came from Central and South America, so our Spanish colleagues Manuel Pineiro and Jesus Dominguez were there to help. But Jörg Kruse (I.S.T. Services, Inc., USA) and Brian Gibson (I.S.T. Canada Inc., Canada) were also able to make interesting contacts for their respective fields.
There was great interest in UV systems, milling robots and the spray system, and we had many promising conversations with the visitors.

IFAT Africa 2017 – with I.S.T. as a first-time participant

Our Danish subsidiary I.S.T. Skandinavia A/S took part in the IFAT Africa fair together with Bodotex Composites ApS and SAERTEX multiCom® GmbH.
The most important business units were introduced in Johannisburg from September 12-14, 2017, meeting with a good response from the visitors at this well-attended fair; the subject of trenchless pipe renovation was very well received.
During the three days of the fair we had multiple conversations about projects that involved UV curing of hose liners, some even leading to specific deals – like the renovation of a 400-meter-long DN 350 pressure line.
These conversations are now being continued as a follow-up, and additional contracts are expected to be signed.



NO-DIG DOWNUNDER 2017 in Australia
The NO-DIG fair was held on Australia’s Gold Coast, near Brisbane, from September 12-15, 2017. Our partner Pipe Core had its own exhibitor booth at the fair.
Several German partner companies also sent their employees to help out at the Pipe Core booth. Peter Holl was there representing I.S.T., which ensured optimal on-site support from I.S.T. for the individual product areas.
Multiple orders were generated, which added to the general sense of great satisfaction with this fair.
In addition, we discussed future projects with interested visitors, for instance a renovation measure using 180 meters of DN 300 GRP liner.


Expanded DIBt approval for the “EasyLiner” hose lining method

As of July 30, 2017, the German Institute for Building Technology (DIBt) has granted general building approval, with approval number Z-42.3-414, for use of the hose lining method known as “EasyLiner” in renovating underground sewers with nominal widths ranging from DN 100 to DN 600.
In addition to expanding the range of nominal widths, the approval now also includes steam curing as well as the previous cold curing method and curing using hot water.
Furthermore, in addition to the “ThermoLiner” and “ThermoLiner plus” hose liners, the approval now also includes the “ThermoLiner M.” The M stands for multi-layer hoses, which allow for a delivery wall thickness of 5.5 to 12 mm. The ThermoLiner M is used in the main sewer and can be cured with warm water or hot steam, using EasyPox T0530. Depending on the wall thickness, curves of up to 45° are possible.
The associated two-component epoxy resin systems “EasyPox 3008” and “EasyPox 6024” (cold-cured resin systems) and “EasyPox T0530” (warm-cured resin system) allow users to choose the right resin system for any conditions.
The number of approved hose liners, reaction resin systems and curing methods allow for a great deal of flexibility in completing a wide range of tasks. That means technicians can respond flexibly at any time to all kinds of conditions using this hose lining method.  


Large quantities of the new Thermotube-blue are in stock

The Thermotube-blue reinforcement hose has proven very successful and is increasingly in demand.
It offers consumers an optimal price-performance ratio and impresses them with all of the practical benefits of the Mediumtube hot-orange, while being even more cost-effective.
Its good flexibility and bend mobility of up to 90° mean that it can be used even in challenging conditions. Its stitched and sealed seams make it very robust, with many different uses, and it is also resistant to steam – which gives it an even wider range of applications.
Thanks to our optimized delivery capacity, the Mediumtube-blue is in stock in nominal widths of DN 100 to DN 300.

nUVision demo vehicle finished and already in operation
Once the fatigue tests were successfully completed, a VW Crafter with a box body was equipped as a demo vehicle with nUVision’s UV technology in late August/early September. The vehicle’s exterior was quite handsome, too – to go with the demo vehicles for the Power CUTTER robot technology and the ElastoTec spray system.
The fully equipped vehicle will be used to conduct additional tests for liner manufacturers on site, and after that it will be available for customers and/or assignments at customers’ construction sites.
When they use the system under real construction-site conditions, potential customers can get to know it inside and out, and will be impressed by its practicality and the high-quality system components.