Durability And Sustainability Aspects Of SFRC
4468 تعداد بازدید
Durability And Sustainability Aspects Of SFRC
Durability and Sustainability aspects of steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) under severe exposure conditions
Carola Edvardsen and Harald Schmitt
COWI, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
COWI, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
Recent industrial trends require service lives of 80-120 years for infrastructure projects such as tunnel and bridges. At the same time low environmental impact in production of the composite materials is of vital interest, i.e. carbon foot print. A concurrent trend is the increase of exposure conditions as for instance prevailing in the gulf with high chloride content in ground waters.
The Design solution proposed by COWI for bored tunnels whit segmental lining is the use of steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC). While SFRC has its limitation in the load bearingcapacity compared to conventional reinforced concrete it is a viable solution for segmental lining stell fibres may be used as sole reinforcement.
There are several advantages of using SFRC.
There are
- the omission of bending reinforcement including the cost saving on installation cost.
-the reduced amount of steel in kg / m3 and hence reduced CO2 footprint.
-the reduced effects of corroded fibres as opposed to corroded steel reinforcement.
-workability requirements for fibre reinforced concrete in line with durability requirements for concrete-i.e. both requirements support each other.
Keywords :
-Durability ,
- Sustainability,
- Service Life Desing,
-Steel fibrereinforced concrete,
-Chloride migration.
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